Sunday, April 11, 2010

Arrest Worry and Weathering the Storm

Do you  worry over things that need to be turned off, put out, opened, closed, switched on, filled up, and emptied? Are you anxious for family, friends, relatives, or mankind in general Do you fret about the past, the present, the future? Okay, so yo know you shouldn’t worry but you do and don't know how to stop;
--Here are a few tips to help you quit worrying too much.

1) “Today is the tomorrow you worried about, and all is well.”  Don’t worry about something that will take place in a week, a day, or even an hour.

2) Squash unnecessary worrying with one question: “Can I do anything about this matter right now, right this minute?” If the answer is “no,” stay in the present moment, jot down the thought, and then let it go.

3) Don’t let objects rule you.  No one’s advocating that you don’t react upon losing or damaging something, but worrying over a problem after the fact can’t restore or bring anything back. Let go of your attachment to things—no attachment; no worry. The less you have, the less anxiety you bring into your life. Spring clean and simplify and you minimize worry.

4 Establish limits. Set a timer or a watch alarm for 15 minutes. Tell yourself: “I feel the need to think about ________, but I can only afford to spend 15 minutes on it.” When the time is up, the alarm will be a tangible reminder to let the worry go.

5)  Keep a journal.  It will also serve as a reminder that most of the things you worry about don’t actually happen. 

6)  Be Your own disaster master. Worrying is a choice, and you can choose not to do it. 

7) They are what you imagine, Visualize what’s good about the situation. Think about the best possible scenario or outcome instead.  Use the power of positive thinking.

8) Prayer has a calming effect that can center you and drive worry away.

9) Don't control others with your worries.  Give people credit for having half a brain and knowing what’s good or bad for them. You’ll cut your worrying in half.

10)  Call a friend and do something fun.  Go out and distract yourself.  or 
Read a good book, like Lost and Found: Love, a book of love poems!

Weathering the storm

Written by Yolanda Pacheco Garcia

Acute pleasure of sensations between two passionate souls
whipped through their body and crashed
against rocks in the sea.
Calm turned into hurricanes
reveling in the insanity of the moment.
Eyes wide open with tears of love flowing,
Exhilerated simultaneously, they were
swept away
to always be united in
heart and soul.


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