Instead of eating empty calories like a bag of M&M's, grab a nutritious snack.
Satisfy your sweet tooth and keep your blood sugar in check with the following fresh or frozen low-carb choices.
The key is to keep an eye on portion sizes and stay away from fruits canned in syrups or other types of added sugar. These fruits are all Low Carb and Low Sugar, great for those of us with Diabetes, or anyone who just prefers to stay healthy!
Satisfy your sweet tooth and keep your blood sugar in check with the following fresh or frozen low-carb choices.
The key is to keep an eye on portion sizes and stay away from fruits canned in syrups or other types of added sugar. These fruits are all Low Carb and Low Sugar, great for those of us with Diabetes, or anyone who just prefers to stay healthy!
Any kind of berries 3/4 cup = 62 calories & 16 grams of carbs.
Antioxidants, Vitamins, Fiber
Cherries 12 = 59 calories & 14 grams of carbs.
Antioxidants, Fight heart desease & cancer
Apricots 1 = 17 calories & 4 grams of carbohydrates
Eat 4 for Vitamin A & Fiber
Apple (small, size of fist) = 54 calories & 14 grams of carbohydrates
Vitamin C & Fiber
Orange 1 = 62 calories & 15 grams of carbohydrates
Daily req. of Vitamin C & Potasium
Kiwi (one large size) = 56 calories & 13 grams of carbs.
Potasium, Fiber & Vitamin C
Peach 1 size of tennis ball = low carb, Vitamin A, C, Potasium and Fiber
Pear 1 size of your fist = Low carb, Potasium and Fiber
Lemonade Kiss
What could be better than this?
Sitting on the bench
with a lemonade kiss!
Sailboats still
at a distance
waves caressing
the soft white sand
as if they were dancing
the way we do with the band.
I feel so blessed
I feel in bliss
with you by my side,
and my lemonade kiss!
From the book "Awakening Love"
Written by Yolanda Pacheco Garcia