Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Weight Loss Tips - Birthday Dinner

 I sought out the most knowledgeable registered dietitians (RDs) in the country for their very best advice. Based on their expertise and their experience with thousands of clients, they gave us some savvy and surprising advice:
Eat only when you have these three things: table, plate, chair. When you eat from a plate while seated at a table, you’re more mindful and will naturally eat less and feel more satisfied. That means avoid eating while standing at the fridge, lounging on the couch, or driving in the car!”
-Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD, author of The Flexitarian Diet

Never say never. Instead of cutting out indulgent favorites completely, try a more balanced, livable plan. I look at foods as ‘usually,’ ‘sometimes’ and ‘rarely’. There is no such thing as ‘never’. If you fill your day with vegetables, fruit, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy, a little cheese or a piece of chocolate won’t derail you.”   Think BALANCED.
-Ellie Krieger, RD, author of So Easy: Luscious Healthy Recipes for Every Meal of the Week and host of Food Network's "Healthy Appetite"

Think before your drink. The number of calories in cocktails can really add up during nights on the town. Choose simple drinks such as one part vodka and three parts club soda and add a splash of juice--grapefruit, orange or cranberry--for flavor.
-Carolyn O'Neil, MS, RD, co-author of The Dish on Eating Healthy and Being Fabulous!

Mindlessness and multitasking while eating can trip you up, especially if trying to manage weight. Think of food as nutrition, fuel, and something pleasurable. If it's food time, then really make it food time, even just for 10 minutes. Pause and examine what you're eating. Savor every bite. Eat Slowly!
-D. Milton Stokes, MPH, RD, Connecticut-based nutrition counselor and co-author of Flat Belly Diet for Men

You’ve heard this a zillion times, but that’s because it’s really necessary: Start your day with breakfast. You can't run a car without gas, and you can't run your body without food!”
-Keri M. Gans, MS, RD, CDN, nutrition consultant, speaker, and author of the upcoming The Small Change Diet

Treat snacks like mini meals. Combine protein-packed foods (hard-cooked eggs, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt, and hummus) with complex carbohydrates, including whole-grain crackers, bread, fruits, and veggies, to feel fuller for longer between meals.”
-Elizabeth M. Ward, MS, RD, author of Expect the Best, Your Guide to Healthy Eating Before, During, & After Pregnancy

Go ‘nuts’ at the beginning of the day to save calories in the end. A study showed that women who included a handful of almonds a day, as part of a calorie-controlled diet, lost more weight and kept it off longer than those who didn’t. Researchers think that almonds, possibly due to their fiber, satisfying crunch and healthy fats, increase the satiety hormone cholecystokinin, which helps keep you feeling full longer.”   Also, great for diabetics.
-David Grotto, RD, LDN, author of 101 Optimal Life Foods

Swap spaghetti with spaghetti squash. Cup for cup you'll save 180 calories and boost your intake of potassium, which fights water retention and high blood pressure, as well as vitamin A, a major anti-ager and immune booster.”                  (Or when you just have to have some,  swap regular for whole wheat!)
-Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD, co-author The Ultimate Diet Log

Reconnect with your inner voice telling you to stop when you are satisfied and eat when you are hungry. Too often we eat when the clock says it’s time, and we stop when the oversized plate in front of us is empty.”
-Tara Gidus, MS, RD, CSSD, LD/N, The "Diet Diva" on TV’s The Daily Buzz

Birthday Dinner
written by Yolanda Pacheco Garcia

The food was delicious

Italian’s the best

so rich and different

from all of the rest.

The wine was sweet,

and my chocolate cake,

was decadent to eat.

My friends are fun.

The chat inspiring,

But you my dear

are most exciting!

The diet?
The diet?

Let's exercise!

Tomorrow is a new day!

From the book Awakening Love 
by Yolanda Pacheco Garcia

Saturday, April 24, 2010

What to say? Did I Forget To Mention?

Heart-to-heart conversations with your date should not include gossiping about neighbors or other people.  Instead make it meaningful and talk about:
1. Embarrassing moments. If you can't share the awkward, "American Pie"-worthy moments that occurred throughout high school with your partner, who can you tell them to? Don't be afraid to broach the subject, if you haven't already. We wouldn't be surprised if their stories are more horrifying than yours.
2. Political viewpoints. How do you feel about the new healthcare bill? You don't have to agree with each other, but you do need to keep an open mind. A good relationship allows both parties to discuss their own philosophies without taking the opposition personally.
3. Fears and insecurities. By fears, we don't mean your phobia of earthworms. We're talking about things that make you wake up with gray hairs. What worries you? What do you want to improve in yourself? What skeletons are in your closet? In being vulnerable, you risk judgment, but more importantly, you chance being understood.
4. Childhood. Ask your partner what he or she was like as a kid. Did she make friends easily? What kind of games did he like to play? Did he have trouble in school? Childhood memories make for fun conversations, but they can also lend insight into how your main squeeze became the person he or she is today.
5. Past relationships. This is a touchy one because no one wants to hear the person they're with spouting sonnets about an ex. There is, of course, a difference between longing for (or being bitter over) the past and simply acknowledging what happened. With enough practice, seasoned, happy couples learn how to address why past relationships ended without inadvertently comparing their current partner to an old flame.
6. Family life. Knowing a person's upbringing and relationship with his or her parents is paramount to understanding his current attitude toward family. If you're even slightly contemplating a future with this person, it might help to ask how well they get along with their parents. Why does she resent her mother? Why is he closer to his sisters than to his brothers? How does she handle family gatherings?
7. Current events. Thanks to the overflow of information, it's nearly impossible to stay up-to-date on everything going on around us. Here's where teamwork comes into play: Ask your partner about his interests, be they economics or regional politics, and see if you can't learn a thing or two. Who knows, maybe you'll help him develop an interest in international affairs or science news.
8. TV and movies. Compared to politics and personal fears, entertainment might seem pretty shallow, but discussions about movies can fall into the "deep" category if you focus on character motivations and plots rather than on, say, the cute leading actors.
9. The future. Talking about the future can be nerve-wracking. While we're not saying you should pressure your partner into talking about plans for marriage and children, we do believe that you should know their dreams, goals, and aspirations. What is he working toward? What drives her to succeed? Where does he see himself in five years? Someone who desires growth and is not afraid of the unknown is surely dynamic enough to deserve you.

Did I Forget to Mention?

Written by Yolanda Pacheco Garcia

Did I forget to mention
just how special you are.
The light that you emit 
lights up my evening star.

Did I forget to mention
how important you make me feel.
I am here smiling, 
about a feeling that is so real.

Did I forget to mention
many times, when I was sad, 
you made me smile a bit.
In fact, you made me glad.

Did I forget to mention
how much you mean to me.
Well, my dear friend,
I hope that you can see

Today I am telling you.
I love you.

From "Lost and Found: Love, a book of love poems"

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Have You Hugged Today?

According to Intelligence Researcher, Jay Gordon, M.D, co-author of Brighter Baby, studies show that children who get some SUSTAINED form of touching, such as a LONG HUG EVERYDAY are SMARTER.  "the more physical contact a little one gets, the more the brain cells are stimulated, creating stronger, faster brain synapses and boosting IQ."

Various experiments have shown that touch can
* make us feel better about ourselves & our surroundings
* have positive effect in a child's development & IQ
*  cause measurable physiological changes in the touchers and the touched

Hugging is a very special therapeutic touch that contributes in a major way to healing and health.

Hugging accomplishes many things:
~feels good
~despels loneliness
~overcomes fear
~opens doors to feelings
~builds self-esteem (wow, he/she is hugging ME?)
~fosters altuism 
(I can't believe it but I actually want to hug that old son-of a-gun)
~slows down aging
~helps curb appetite
~eases tension
~fights insomnia
~keeps arms and shoulder muscles in condition
~provides stretch exercise if your short 
~provides stooping exercise if you are tall
~offers a wholesome alternative to promiscuity
~safe alternative to alcohol (better hugs than drugs!)
~is democratic (anyone is eligible for a hug)
~energy efficient (saves heat)
~is portable, requires no special equipment
~no special setting
~imparts feeling of belonging
~makes happy days happier
(from K. Keating "Hug Therapy")

Hugs are recognizes as essential for healing.  Touch is used to help relieve pain and depression and anxiety, to bolster a patient's will to live, and help premature babies in an incubator.
Hugging is a wonderful tonic.  Medical evidence is that a hug makes your body produce more Oxytocin, which is the "feel good" hormone.  Research found that one 20-second hug a day makes a big difference between how happy and relaxed we are.

"I understand it takes about twelve hugs a day for us to perform at our peak." -Leo Buscalia, PhD author, educator and lecturer on the art of loving.

A Hug!

A hug is a wonderful gift to share; 
to show each other that we care.
There is so much a hug can do,
When you feel those arms, holding you.

It is a place to feel safe and warm;
comfort for a sad heart that is torn.
An expression of the love in our heart,
for ones who we wish, never to be apart.

A greeting when we meet to say hello,
or to say goodbye when we have to go.
It can hold us up when life gets us down,
and make us smile, instead of frown.

A hug can be given for no reason at all,
and given to those, both big and small.
We're never too old to feel the joy it brings,
it is one of life's, most pleasing things.

And for all of this happiness, a hug is free;
costs nothing, yet means so much to me.
We should all hug another to show we care,
for to feel a warm hug, nothing can compare.

©Yolanda Pacheco Garcia
from "Awakening Love"

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Crazy Thoughts to Ponder for 2010

Number 10:
 Life is sexually transmitted.
Number 9:
 Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
Number 8:
 Men have two emotions:  Hungry and horny.  If you see him without an erection, 
make him a sandwich.
Number 7:
 Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach a person to use the Internet and they won’t bother you for weeks.
Number 6:
 Some people are like a Slinky.  Not really good for anything, but you still can’t help but smile when you shove them down the stairs.
Number 5:
 Health nuts are going to feel stupid some day, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.
Number  4:
 All of us could take a lesson from the weather.  It pays no attention to criticism.
Number 3:
 Why does a slight tax increase cost you $200 and a substantial tax cut saves you $30?
Number 2:
 In the 60s people took acid to make the world weird.  Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.
And the Number 1 thought for 2010:
 Life is like a jar of Jalapeno peppers.  What you do today might burn your ass tomorrow.

Crazy Dream

I knew in an instant, you were the one 
I met many, but like you, there were none.
And as my heart danced with glee,
I knew you were the one for me.

Your every smile illuminates my room
like the essence of Spring in full bloom.
Each time you walk thru my door
I swear, I fly six inches off the floor!

All the time we share together
I know that we could  last forever.
I am delighted to think your love is true
and that as we grow older, our love will too.

And then something happened,
my dream fell apart
and all I had left was an aching heart.

You seemed content
How could this be
you seemed perfect,  the one for me.

I ponder and wonder what could it be,
what happened to us, what happened to me?
And finally I sit up and am happy to see
that you are here, alongside of me!

So I shall sit and smile and eat ice cream
because it was just a crazy dream.

Taken from the book "Awakening Love"
Written by Yolanda Pacheco Garcia

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Arrest Worry and Weathering the Storm

Do you  worry over things that need to be turned off, put out, opened, closed, switched on, filled up, and emptied? Are you anxious for family, friends, relatives, or mankind in general Do you fret about the past, the present, the future? Okay, so yo know you shouldn’t worry but you do and don't know how to stop;
--Here are a few tips to help you quit worrying too much.

1) “Today is the tomorrow you worried about, and all is well.”  Don’t worry about something that will take place in a week, a day, or even an hour.

2) Squash unnecessary worrying with one question: “Can I do anything about this matter right now, right this minute?” If the answer is “no,” stay in the present moment, jot down the thought, and then let it go.

3) Don’t let objects rule you.  No one’s advocating that you don’t react upon losing or damaging something, but worrying over a problem after the fact can’t restore or bring anything back. Let go of your attachment to things—no attachment; no worry. The less you have, the less anxiety you bring into your life. Spring clean and simplify and you minimize worry.

4 Establish limits. Set a timer or a watch alarm for 15 minutes. Tell yourself: “I feel the need to think about ________, but I can only afford to spend 15 minutes on it.” When the time is up, the alarm will be a tangible reminder to let the worry go.

5)  Keep a journal.  It will also serve as a reminder that most of the things you worry about don’t actually happen. 

6)  Be Your own disaster master. Worrying is a choice, and you can choose not to do it. 

7) They are what you imagine, Visualize what’s good about the situation. Think about the best possible scenario or outcome instead.  Use the power of positive thinking.

8) Prayer has a calming effect that can center you and drive worry away.

9) Don't control others with your worries.  Give people credit for having half a brain and knowing what’s good or bad for them. You’ll cut your worrying in half.

10)  Call a friend and do something fun.  Go out and distract yourself.  or 
Read a good book, like Lost and Found: Love, a book of love poems!

Weathering the storm

Written by Yolanda Pacheco Garcia

Acute pleasure of sensations between two passionate souls
whipped through their body and crashed
against rocks in the sea.
Calm turned into hurricanes
reveling in the insanity of the moment.
Eyes wide open with tears of love flowing,
Exhilerated simultaneously, they were
swept away
to always be united in
heart and soul.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Miracle Happened - Now let's get some sleep!

Sleep Better Tonight!

How many hours of sleep did you get last night? Me?  I was not able to sleep at all.  This was one very emotional and exciting morning.  I rushed to the hospital at 12:30 AM (4/8/10) and sat up in a chair as I helplessly watched  Veronica bravely ride through her contractions  every 5 minutes, for a few hours before the pain got unbearable.  At about 2 AM an Epideral was given.  Later, the epideral stopped working.  At around 8 AM and many excruciating contractions later, the anesthesiologist came in to inject some stronger medication in order to ease the pushing pain and help move things along.  At 9 AM we began the actual delivery process and by 9:45 Frida Gutierrez was introduced to the world.  A very content and cute little baby girl was born!  Well not so little!  She weighed a little under 10 lbs (9 lbs 13 oz to be exact) and 21" long!  She has lots of black hair just like her Mommy;  and her cute little eyes look just like her grandma's! 
The Kaiser staff and midwives did a fantastic job of quickly removing the umbilical cord from the baby's neck and body.  She had it wrapped around her twice as she rocked and rolled inside of mommy.  The baby was brought to life and as her beautiful pastel skin color emerged, we knew that we had nothing to fear.   Mommy and baby are now resting quietly,  And me?  Well I am going to sleep!
For those of you that have trouble sleeping for other reasons, other than helping to deliver a baby....
 Loss of sleep  can take a toll on your health. What’s more, recent studies also show being sleep deprived can affect your ability to lose weight and keep it off. Making certain you clock in enough sleep each night should also be part of your routine. Getting the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep each night will not only help you stick to your healthy eating plan, but you’ll also combat stress-related weight gain. If counting sheep isn’t working for you, try these five tips to help you sleep better soon:
  1. Create a regular sleep routine. Stick to going to bed and getting up at the same time each day, even on the weekends. Some people find that setting a bedtime alarm as well as a morning alarm is a good reminder of when it’s time to go to sleep. You’ll find that once your body adjusts to a regular routine, you’ll start to wake up refreshed.
  2. Reserve your bed for sleeping and sex only. Avoid stressful, sleep-robbing activities, such as watching TV news or scary movies, (or paying bills!). Some people find that a hot bath or soothing music before bedtime helps. If insomnia does strike, leave the bed and walk around for a while.
  3. Don’t go to bed hungry. Enjoy a high-protein snack, such as, reduced-fat cheese, a slice of deli turkey, or reduced-fat yogurt and a few nuts before going to bed.
  4. Avoid caffeinated beverages or other foods containing caffeine after about noon, and limit alcohol in the evening. Caffeine can stay in your system for up to 24 hours, and while alcohol may make it easier to fall asleep initially, it also causes more frequent nighttime awakenings.
  5. Refrain from exercise three hours before bedtime.Regular exercise is encouraged during the day because it can give you more energy and help you sleep better at night, but it also releases the hormone epinephrine, which can make you more alert. That’s why it’s best to exercise earlier rather than later if you suffer from insomnia.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Miracle

My daughter is expecting a baby, and now on her last few hours of this miraculous adventure, we wait excitedly.   The contractions were about one hour apart. Then down to 10 min apart but stopped. The next day (today) they resumed, resonating through her body with excruciating pain.    We are all on pins and needles hoping for  the moment of arrival to be soon, but all she can do is pace the floor and all we can do is wait!  So to ease my nerves I write a poem:

Waiting and waiting for our sugar and spice.
Waiting and waiting for someone nice.
We've been waiting so long and can't wait no more;
Waiting and waiting we create a path on the floor.
We feel it's time to play peek-a-boo.
We feel it's time to come out,
So we can meet you.
Come out, come out
Wherever you are
You have many waiting
from near and afar!
So come out, come out
it's time to play
"What a cute baby,"
We all want to say.
Written by Grandma
on Easter Day

The Miracle 

Listening to the old classic songs,
Reminiscing as I sit here, 
 with memories of yesteryear. 
Now, I can only think of you......
Not wanting to get blue,
but daydreaming of all the things we can do
if I will ever get the chance
how beautifully my life 
you will enhance
praying for a miracle!

from "Awakening Love" -  a book of love poems
Written by Yolanda Pacheco Garcia

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happiness comes from within

It is a pill to be sad and lonely, and yet we do this to ourselves.  If we were to search our soul, we would clearly see that we really don't need anyone to be happy.  We can be happy with ourselves, we can enjoy ourselves.  We can be happy for no reason.  Our happiness resides within us.

The great mistake most of us make is looking for it somewhere outside of ourselves.   Often times, in order to prevent this "lonliness,"  we settle with anyone that crosses our path.  This is not only the wrong thing to do, it is unhealthy and handicaps us from searching and persuing the real joy of being with ourselves.

 If I decide that it takes another person to make me happy, then I have just put my happiness into someone else's hands.  Do I really expect that another person will do exactly what I want him or her to do so that I can be happy?  Maybe, but unrealistic, and unfair.   That is why so many of us are disappointed in our relationships. I can't expect them to put my happiness first.  Only I can do that.  And the only person I want to determine my happiness is me!

When I'm happy I am productive.  When I'm happy, I pass it on.  When I 'm happy, my happiness ripples out all around me and has an effect on others around me.  I think that my happiness can actually make a difference in other people's lives.

Don't settle!   You have the power of your own happiness.

Abraham Lincoln said, "People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be."

   What Has Happened To Our Freedom?

What has happened to our freedom?
So much has been taken away.
We meet the wrong person,
Seems to be the case of the day.

What has happened to our freedom of speech?
We have to be careful with what we say.
Do only what he wants, 
and our words we have to weigh.

So many freedoms we have lost
While others grow in size.
We try everything to make them happy,
ending up with little white lies.

A lot of our freedoms go unnoticed,
Just the way with each other we interact.
Their subtle ways to make us see,
They make sure we get sidetracked. 

We are being used like puppets,
While one by one they try to control.
Enacting rules that benefit themselves,
While they attain their goals.

So watch your freedom disappear,
They’re going one by one.
Soon you won’t have any left,
No more freedoms to be won.

Written by Yolanda Pacheco Garcia

from "Awakening Love"  www.victoryp.com