Saturday, December 24, 2011

Food for Pain

1. Ginger

Ginger's been used for thousands of years to help with a variety of ailments from stomachaches to heart conditions. This anti-inflammatory add-in is excellent on a variety of foods, even tea.

2. Sage

This anti-inflammatory herb has also been shown in some research to boost memory. Perfect in poultry dishes, sage has been used for centuries and contains flavonoids that help to reduce swelling.

3. Coffee

One cup of black coffee can provide relief from headaches and provide more antioxidants than a serving of berries. Preliminary research has also shown that drinking coffee may reduce the risk of some cancers.

4. Salmon

Filled with Omega-3s, salmon provides an excellent source of protein and antioxidants. The fatty acids from this fish can help to lubricate tight joints in the body.

5. Green Tea

Used for centuries for a variety of medicinal purposes, green tea is an excellent source of polyphenols which may help to reduce free radicals in the body which can cause inflammation.

6. Olive Oil

Here's a powerful anti-inflammatory ingredient that's comparable to over the counter pain medications. A staple of the Mediterranean diet, olive oil helps reduce the risk of strokes and some cancers.

7. Cherries

Cherries help reduce inflammation by neutralizing free radicals in the body. These tart, sweet treats can also help to stop tissue inflammation.
But wait...what about HEARTACHE????
Is there something that will cure a broken heart?

There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Merry Christmas

Another year has come and gone, 
before our very eyes
and hopefully we’re happy 
and a little bit more wise.

Best wishes for Christmas 
are being sent your way
filled with hope and promise
but not only for this day.

They’re sent with love for you,
The one I hold so dear
and hope they carry you through
another wonderful year.   

© Yolanda ©

P.S.  If you have someone on your list, and are not quite sure what to get them,,  LOST AND FOUND: LOVE, a book of love poems makes a perfect gift for the person who has it all.  It is guaranteed to entertain the reader.   Contact me direct  or order through for delivery in time for Christmas.

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Special Gift

If you seek a special gift,
The greatest gift of all
Don't look beneath your Christmas tree,
It won't be there at all.

The greatest gift was given 
A very long time ago,
And it was given with special love,
The one we all should know.

Christmas comes but only once a year,
Which should be filled with joy and cheer.
Helping hands with bountiful delight
To fill our hearts most every night.

Let's smile and rejoice every day
Wishing Happiness and Love will come your way!

Written by Yolanda Pacheco Garcia
Author of Lost and Found: Love,  a book of  Love Poems 
available at

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Heart Disease / Heart Aglow

7 Foods That Can Help Lower Your Cholesterol

Lowering your cholesterol levels is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of developing heart disease. Today, more than 102 million American adults (20 years of age or older) have total cholesterol levels at or above 200 mg/dL, which is above healthy levels. More than 35 million of these people have levels of 240 mg/dL or higher, which puts them at high risk for heart disease. Many more millions of Americans have high cholesterol and don’t even know it. This month marks National Cholesterol Education Month, so what better time to take preventive steps to reduce your heart disease risk and the chances of having a heart attack or stroke. To ensure a heart-healthy eating plan, be sure to regularly include these 7 superfoods in your diet.
  1. Wild Salmon (and other omega-3-rich fish)
    Cold-water fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as wild salmon, herring, mackerel, canned light tuna, anchovies, and sardines, can help lower bad LDL cholesterol when substituted for foods containing saturated and trans fats in the diet. Dr. Arthur Agatston, leading preventive cardiologist and creator of the South Beach Diet, recommends eating fish two or three times a week. Studies show that including omega-3-rich seafood in a diet can also help reduce blood pressure and inflammation and play a positive role in improving mood and memory loss. (Note: A pregnant or breast-feeding woman should consult her doctor before consuming fish or shellfish.)
  2. Broccoli (and other cruciferous vegetables)
    Cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and kale are packed with antioxidants that can help reduce cholesterol. Regularly eating cruciferous veggies may also help lower blood pressure, promote healthy eyesight, and reduce age-related memory loss.
  3. Beans and other legumes
    All beans and other legumes, including black, red, navy, kidney, pinto, lentils, and garbanzos, are loaded with filling protein and both soluble and insoluble fiber. The fiber in legumes can help lower bad LDL cholesterol and, it helps to slow the digestion process, preventing glucose and insulin levels from rising steeply. Thus beans and other legumes are an ideal choice for people with diabetes.
  4. Oats and other whole grains
    All whole grains, including oats, wheat, wild rice, brown rice, quinoa, millet, and barley, contain soluble fiber, which helps block the body’s absorption of cholesterol. Eating high-fiber whole grains also aids in stabilizing blood sugar and regulating insulin production, helping to lower your risk of diabetes.
  5. Nuts and seeds
    Walnuts, almonds, pistachios, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, and other nuts and seeds are excellent sources of protein, heart-healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. When substituted for saturated fat in your diet, nuts and seeds can help reduce total cholesterol as well as bad LDL cholesterol without affecting levels of good HDL cholesterol. Just be sure to limit your daily intake to about 1 ounce (1/4 cup), since nuts and seeds are calorie dense.
  6. Tea
    Powerful antioxidants (called polyphenols) found in black, white, green, and oolong tea can help lower bad LDL cholesterol. Studies show that oolong tea increases LDL particle size, helping to prevent LDL from burrowing into vessel walls.
  7. Red wine
    Because red wine contains resveratrol, a phytonutrient found in red grapes that posesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, studies suggest that drinking red wine may protect against artery-damaging LDL cholesterol and atherosclerosis. Enjoy an occasional glass or two of red wine with a meal on Phase 2, but stop at one or two. More than one drink a day for women and two for men can increase the risk of heart disease and have other harmful effects on the body.

  Heart Aglow

 The world is full of wonder,
 Things of beauty, mirth and whim;
 And I must surely say I know 
 You're definitely one of them!

 You fill my head with happy thoughts,
 My heart with such delight;
 My stomach's full of butterflies,
 Your love fills my soul with light.

 I'm so glad to have you in my life,
 I thought that you should know;
 Just the simple thought of you
 Always sets my heart aglow.

From "Awakening Love"  written by 
Yolanda Pacheco Garcia
Facebook:  Victory Publishing 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Moment of Thought

10 More Household Uses for Vinegar

Here are ten more handy uses for vinegar in the home.
Vinegar is clearly one of the safest and most versatile household products on the planet:

1. Glass Cleaner

"My absolute favorite is using it to clean my windows," shares Adriana P.  "There is no window cleaner that can even compare." In addition to cleaning windows, vinegar is also great for cleaning other glassware, says Leanna S.: "Vase looking dingy? Put vinegar and uncooked rice in it and swish around. The rice is a natural abrasive...and the vinegar cleans it."

2. Itch Reliever 

Vinegar can provide relief from itchy insect bites, shares Sharleen S.: "I cover a fresh mosquito bite with it for about a minute and it takes the itchiness away.” And Ursala P. suggests that vinegar can also soothe skin that's been irritated by plants: "You can also use vinegar for the sting of bluebottles, hairy worms, plants that burn your skin."

3. Pet Deterrent 

In addition to eliminating pet odors, vinegar can deter your furry friends from gnawing on your lovely living room furniture. As Jo D. shares: "Vinegar and lemon in spray bottle keep pets from chewing furniture."

4. Anti-Fungal Agent

Several moms shared that vinegar can help banish various fungal problems. Ellen M. advises: "Vinegar can be used to kill toe fungi! Soak the foot in a pan of warm water and vinegar daily for several months. Works!" And Meredith B., who suffered from swimmer's ear, recalled: "The ENT suggested that after swimming I use a mixture that is half white vinegar and half rubbing alcohol and put it in my ear for a few seconds. The vinegar is an a anti-fungal and the alcohol kills germs. No problem since!” 

5. Hard Water Stains/Mineral Build-up Remover

There are many ways to use vinegar in the kitchen, including cleaning coffee pots and tea kettles. Catherine P. explains: "I usually use it [vinegar] to clean lime off my electric kettle; just add 20ml of vinegar to the kettle, fill it up with water and switch on the kettle, and ta-da! The lime is gone!"

6. Heartburn Reliever

Suffering from heartburn? Mellisa J. is one of many moms who recommend vinegar as a cure: "Vinegar works awesome for heart burn. It neutralizes the stomach acid. It's the best heartburn medication I've ever used!"

7. Gnat and Flea Catcher

Having a problem with gnats? "Put about 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar in a cup," advises Marci P. "Add a few drops of dish soap, and leave the cup sitting around. The gnats are attracted to the vinegar, and the dish soap will kill them.” A similar trick works for catching fleas, says Sue D., who suggests putting vinegar out in a white container: "Fleas are attracted to white, [so] use white foam plates and they will jump in there and drown. Also, you can spray it on carpets."

8. Ironing Aide

"I use plain white vinegar to set or remove creases in clothing," shares Angie G. "Just put some in a spritzer bottle, lightly spray the area, then press. It doesn't leave your clothes stiff like spray starch and the smell disappears with the steam. Works great!"

9. Ant Deterrent

If you're looking for a humane way to get rid of ants, Jena L. says vinegar will do the job: "I use vinegar to clean away ants. It may not kill the little buggers but it disrupts their sense of smell enough that they cannot find their needed foods and go away."

10. Hair Conditioner and Product Remover

Many moms also recommended using vinegar for various hair care needs. As Hari M. relays, “My hairdresser advised me to rinse my hair with a little white vinegar and water mixture to remove all of the remnants of hair products after washing it. I tried it and it renewed the shine in my hair, as well. Great advice.” And Cindy O. found apple cider vinegar was a great alternative to a cream rinse: "Mix 1 cup vinegar to a gallon of warm water and pour over your hair to great!"
A Moment Of Thought

Music resounded, bouncing from one wall to another, 
“It’s so easy to fall in love”... 
and then,
I ask, if this is so, 
then why am  I the only one here?
Looking for inner peace.
It is so easy when I am with you, 
but what about when you are away,
what then?

Does one continue to search?
Do we grab hold of memories and 
hope that something will change?

Written by Yolanda Pacheco Garcia

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Happy Birthday

 The secret to living a long healthy life? It really is quite simple; to eat, sleep and play healthy, live without stress, laugh often, and love always.  I wrote a poem for everyone who is getting up there in years, and having yet another birthday, do not worry, you are not getting old, you are simply mature.  My birthday was just last week, so I suppose this now applies to me as well!

Happy Birthday 

When you go to the drugstore, and the clerk is a gent.
From your purchase this chap, will take off ten percent.
You will ask for the cause of a lesser amount;
And he will say, "Because of the Seniors' Discount."

You can go to McDonald's for a burger and fries;
And there once again, get quite a surprise.
You can order a coffee and dance with glee, ‘cause
The clerk will say, "For you Seniors, the coffee is free."

Understand - You’re not old - You’re merely mature;
But some things are changing, temporarily, I'm sure.
The newspaper print gets smaller each day,
And people speak softer - can't hear what they say.

Your teeth are your own (You have the receipt),
And your glasses identify the people you meet.
Oh, you’ve slowed down a bit...not a lot, I am sure.
You see, you’re not’re simply mature.

Your hair is changing, is it bleached by the sun?
You should see all the damage that chlorine has done.
Washing your hair daily has turned it all white,
But don't call it gray....saying "blond" is just right. 

Your car is all paid for...not a nickel is owed.
Yet some kids yell, "Old geezer...get off the road!"
Your car has no scratches...not even a dent,
Still, you get all this stuff from a punk who's "Hell bent."

Your friends all get older...much faster than you.
They seem much more wrinkled, so don’t feel so blue.
You've got "character lines" not wrinkles...for sure,
So we won’t call you old....just call you mature.

The steps in the houses you may visit today
Are so high that they take all your breath away;
And the streets are much steeper than ten years ago.
That should explain why your walking is slow.

But keep up with what's hip and get a new pole
I think you can still dance a mean rock and roll!
You’re still in the this I'm secure,

Happy  Birthday!!

Written by Yolanda Pacheco Garcia and can be found in her new book, "Awakening Love".

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Rosario Stull - May she rest in peace.

The service and funeral for my godmother "Chayito" was very loving and serene.  She was a wonderful lady with exceptional qualities and led a full and happy life.  "Chayito" was 98 and died of a brain tumor.  She left our world to join her ex,  my mother, my Gabriel, my uncles and aunts, and all of our loved ones who are now enjoying a different life in heaven.  They may not be with us physically but they remain in our memory and in our hearts forever.   May they all rest in peace.

The dash

Referring to the dates of her life, from the the end. 

I noted that first came the date of her birth and the latter I said with tears, 

But wanting to stress what mattered the  most, was the dash between those years. 

For that dash represents all the time, that Chayito  spent alive on earth

And now only those who loved her, know what that little line’s worth. 

For it matters not, how much we own, the cars...the house...the cash, 

What matters is how we live and love; and how we spend our dash. 

Chayito taught us a lot through her life,
Living happy, loved and without strife.
So think about this long and hard; 
Are there things you’d like to change?

For you never know how much time is left,  that can still be rearranged.

If we could just slow down enough, to consider what’s true and real

And always try to understand, the way that other people feel. 

And be less quick to anger, showing appreciation more

And love the people in our lives like we’ve never loved before. 

If we treat each other with respect, like Chayito did, and always wear a smile...

Remembering that this special dash might only last a little while.

So when her eulogy’s being read with her life’s actions to rehash, 

I feel so  proud of the things they say about how she spent her dash.
Let us learn from our beloved Chayito, she was such a dear, although she is not with us now,  in our hearts she’ll always persevere.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Best Fruits For a Healthy Life / Lemonade Kiss

Instead of eating empty calories like a bag of M&M's, grab a nutritious snack.
Satisfy your sweet tooth and keep your blood sugar in check with the following fresh or frozen low-carb choices.

The key is to keep an eye on portion sizes and stay away from fruits canned in syrups or other types of added sugar. These fruits are all  Low Carb and Low Sugar, great for those of us with Diabetes, or anyone who just prefers to stay healthy!

Any kind of berries  3/4 cup = 62 calories & 16 grams of carbs.
                                              Antioxidants, Vitamins, Fiber

Cherries              12          = 59 calories & 14 grams of carbs. 
                                               Antioxidants, Fight heart desease & cancer 

Apricots             1          =  17 calories & 4 grams of carbohydrates
                                              Eat 4 for Vitamin A & Fiber

Apple  (small, size of fist) = 54 calories & 14 grams of carbohydrates  
                                             Vitamin C & Fiber

Orange             1          = 62 calories & 15 grams of carbohydrates
                                             Daily req. of Vitamin C & Potasium

Kiwi (one large size)         = 56 calories & 13 grams of carbs.
                                             Potasium, Fiber & Vitamin C

Peach              1 size of tennis ball = low carb, Vitamin A, C, Potasium and Fiber

Pear 1 size of your fist   = Low carb, Potasium and Fiber

Lemonade Kiss

What could be better than this?
Sitting on the bench
with a lemonade kiss!

Sailboats still
at a distance
waves caressing 
the soft white sand
as if they were dancing
the way we do with the band.

I feel so blessed 
I feel in bliss
with you by my side,
and my lemonade kiss!

From the book "Awakening Love"
Written by Yolanda Pacheco Garcia

Monday, April 11, 2011

Good Morning!

If you're having trouble rising and shining, try these simple strategies to help you look and feel more awake and alert. 
Waking up doesn't have to be hard to do!
Whatever your reasons for not getting enough sleep — partying, studying, or dreaded insomnia — there are days when morning just comes way too early. But before you reach for a triple espresso (a recent study from the U.K. found that the buzz we get from caffeine may be more mental than chemical, anyway) try these tips (Given by Dr. Hirsch) for looking and feeling awake and refreshed:

* Give your skin a chill-hold a cold washcloth over your eyes-refreshes and          reduces swelling

*Pay extra attention to your eyes-use eye cream to keep them hydrated and wrinklefree

*Skip the salt-avoid salt as much as possible especially after 6pm to avoid bloating

*Bend over backwards-literally, bend backwards along the side of your bed getting heart higher than your head

*Wake up and Smell the citrus-and eat the orange too!  Certain scents stimulate the brain and can make you feel more awake and refreshed, says Alan Hirsch, M.D., founder and neurological director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation. Three that do the trick: jasmine, which increases beta waves (the brain waves associated with alertness), and citrus and peppermint scents, which induce wakefulness by stimulating the trigeminal nerve (the same nerve that's activated when you're revived with smelling salts). So peel and eat an orange for breakfast, deeply inhale as you drink a cup of peppermint tea, or lather up with a citrus-scented body wash in the shower.

*Wake up to fresh flowers- Keeping fresh flowers in your home can make you feel more energetic, enthusiastic, and happy at home and work.

and of course if all else fails, 

*Find the bright side-use highlighter/whitener under your eyes and eyebrows to hide the dark circles under your eyes

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * *
Good Morning

This  morning  when I awoke
And saw the sun above,
I softly said, “Good morning day”
The one I truly love.

Right away I thought of you 
And said a loving prayer,
hoping you would smile too
And keep you free from care.

I  thought of all the happiness 
A day could hold in store, 
I  wished  it all for you because 
No one deserves  it more. 

I felt so warm and good inside, 
My heart was all aglow.
I know someday you'll feel the same
because, happiness spreads, 
you know.

From the book "Awakening Love"
Written by Yolanda Pacheco Garcia