Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happiness comes from within

It is a pill to be sad and lonely, and yet we do this to ourselves.  If we were to search our soul, we would clearly see that we really don't need anyone to be happy.  We can be happy with ourselves, we can enjoy ourselves.  We can be happy for no reason.  Our happiness resides within us.

The great mistake most of us make is looking for it somewhere outside of ourselves.   Often times, in order to prevent this "lonliness,"  we settle with anyone that crosses our path.  This is not only the wrong thing to do, it is unhealthy and handicaps us from searching and persuing the real joy of being with ourselves.

 If I decide that it takes another person to make me happy, then I have just put my happiness into someone else's hands.  Do I really expect that another person will do exactly what I want him or her to do so that I can be happy?  Maybe, but unrealistic, and unfair.   That is why so many of us are disappointed in our relationships. I can't expect them to put my happiness first.  Only I can do that.  And the only person I want to determine my happiness is me!

When I'm happy I am productive.  When I'm happy, I pass it on.  When I 'm happy, my happiness ripples out all around me and has an effect on others around me.  I think that my happiness can actually make a difference in other people's lives.

Don't settle!   You have the power of your own happiness.

Abraham Lincoln said, "People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be."

   What Has Happened To Our Freedom?

What has happened to our freedom?
So much has been taken away.
We meet the wrong person,
Seems to be the case of the day.

What has happened to our freedom of speech?
We have to be careful with what we say.
Do only what he wants, 
and our words we have to weigh.

So many freedoms we have lost
While others grow in size.
We try everything to make them happy,
ending up with little white lies.

A lot of our freedoms go unnoticed,
Just the way with each other we interact.
Their subtle ways to make us see,
They make sure we get sidetracked. 

We are being used like puppets,
While one by one they try to control.
Enacting rules that benefit themselves,
While they attain their goals.

So watch your freedom disappear,
They’re going one by one.
Soon you won’t have any left,
No more freedoms to be won.

Written by Yolanda Pacheco Garcia

from "Awakening Love"


1 comment:

samuel said...